Tuesday, 24 December 2013



  •  The first hard drive was created in 1979 and could hold 5MB of data.
  •  The first domain name ever registered was symbolics.com
  •  Dough Engelbart had made the first computer mouse in 1964 and it is made out of wood.
  •  Mosaic was the first popular web browser which was released in 1993.
  •  The average human being blinks 20 times a minute- but only 7 times a minute when using a computer.


    Implementation of a microscopic data communication system using chemical signals    

       A team of Canadian and UK researchers successfully transferred the test phrase "O CANADA" from a transmitter to a receiver using chemical signals in alcohol.
      ( Isopropyl alcohol is widely used as a solvent and a cleaning fluid,as well as in rubbing alcohol products.)
       The experiment used Arduino computers,an electronic spray to release the alcohol,fans to blow the alcohol along,and sensors for detecting the chemical signals & demodulating them back into text.
       For Transmitter: Arduino Uno microcontroller board
       For  Receiver: Another Arduino board.It was linked to a custom-made PCB board on which 3 alcohol sensors were mounted.They all use a metal oxide semiconductor detection layer to detect the alcohol.
       For text entry: Adafruit 16*2-character LCD Shield Kit that has six push buttons. Programmed using ITA2 code,which uses 5 bits to represent each letter in the alphabet.
       Also designed an electrical switch board to hook up the transmitter with a DuroBlast electronic spray,which has a battery-operated electrical pump,Programming the microcontroller board let them control the duration of the sprays.
       Spray duration was set to 100ms.The apparatus sprayed alcohol every 3 seconds when the bit at the beginning of the spray duration was 1; when it was 0 the apparatus would not emit spray.
       According to researchers,it is one of very few implementations of molecular communication at any dimension...